Physics – Netaji Mahavidyalaya, Arambagh



About the DepartmentDepartmental SeminarDepartmental LibraryDepartmental LaboratoryFaculty ProfileDepartmental Activity/Links/AchievementsGallery
About the Department

• Netaji Mahavidyalaya started its functioning in the year 1948.
• The Department of Physics is one of the oldest departments of this college which started its journey right from the year 1948.
• The Honours course in Physics was introduced in the year 1999.

•Total number of sanctioned teaching posts of the department is five (05).

◦ Dr. Binay Malakar
◦ Mr. Chayan Kanchan Karmakar
◦ Dr. Somenath Jalal
◦ Mr. Bhaskar Pandit
◦ Ms. Karabi Majhi

• Two non-teaching staffs are there presently in the department.

◦ Subhas Das
◦ Aviram Mandi

• Past Faculty members:

◦ Prof. Ganesh Chandra Hatui,
◦ Demonstrator Mr. Chittaranjan Pan
◦ Prof. Sristidhar Samanta
◦ Demonstrator Mr. Bhaskar Chandra Nayek
◦ Prof. Ananda Mohon Mondal
◦ Prof. (Dr.) Abani Mohon Rudra
◦ Mr. Anupam Das
◦ Mr. Subhankar Ghosh
◦ Mr. Suman Kumar Kundu
◦ Ms. Anamika Patra

1. “History of Physics”, (2012), National level seminar,UGC sponsored
2. “Solar Spicules”, (2019), Department of Physics, Netaji Mahavidyalaya
3. “COVID 19”, (2020), International Webinar, Department of Physics, Netaji Mahavidyalaya.
4. “Popular lectures in Condensed Matter Physics”, (9th August, 2023), Department of Physics, Netaji Mahavidyalaya [Click Here for details]

  • Total No of Books: 341
  • List of Books: [click here]
  • Lending facilities for students are available. They can borrow two books at a time.
  • Pictures of Labs[click here]
  • Stock Registrar
  • List of Experiments: [Click here]

Dr. Binoy Malakar
Associate Professor
M. Sc. , Ph. D.


Chayan Kanchan Karmakar
Assistant Professor
M. Sc.


Dr. Somenath Jalal
Assistant Professor
M. Sc. , Ph. D.


Bhaskar Pandit
M. Sc.


Karabi Majhi
M. Sc.


  • One of our students (batch 2009-10) Tanmay Samanta has joined Indian Institute of Astrophysics as faculty member. Congratulation to Dr. Tanmoy Samanta (https://www.iiap.res.in/people/personnel/tsamanta/)
  • Aritra Dey has secured 1st rank in All India JEST exam 2023. Currently persuing PhD at JNCASR Bangalore (https://www.jncasr.ac.in/faculty/bsaha/group/students)
  • One of our students (batch 2018-19) Soumyadeep Das is doing MS (Engineering ) from JNCASR, Bangalore with Prof. Rajesh Ganapathy and working on Granular Matter (https://www.soft-matter-lab-jncasr.info/people)
  • Each year Teacher’s day celebrated with great enthusiasm.
  • Department of Physics just organized a Quiz Competition on 5th January, 2024 to celebrate Students’ Week from 02-08-January, 2024 [Click here]
  • We got a chance to meet Dr. Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor of Physics, Suri Vidyasagar College who delivered a lecture on his hobby. He has gained international reputation as “Wildlife, Nature and Travel Photographer” (https://www.soumyabhattacharyya.in/awards-and-publications) . It was a great opportunity to interact with him and learn from him.[Pictures from the event]

Apart from conducting usual teaching-learning activities in Physics (Hons and general courses) the department carries out other activities which include excursions to academic institutes of higher learning by the students, organizing quiz and seminars by the students and bringing out wall magazine every year. The department has a good laboratory and a departmental library which are used by the students of the department. One unique feature of this department is that the department has a refracting telescope which helps the students to watch sky.

Departmental Member
Student Batch
Popular lectures in Condensed Matter Physics
Teachers' Day
Wall Magazine