Netaji Mahavidyalaya
Arambagh, Hooghly
Tender Notice Date: 12.03.2020
Sealed quotations on plain paper are invited from reputed suppliers to supply the following items for Physics department. All suppliers are requested to quote rate (including GST) within 7 days from the date of publication.
- To determine the band gap using thermistor.
- To determine the coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of Cu by Searle’s Method.
- To determine the wavelength and velocity of ultrasonic waves in a liquid (Kerosene Oil, Xylene etc.) by studying the diffraction through ultrasonic grating.
- To determine the refractive index of (1) glass and (2) a liquid by total internal reflection using a Gaussian eyepiece.
- To verify the Stefan’s law of radiation and to determine Stefan’s constant.
- To determine the Boltzmann constant using V-I characteristics of PN junction diode.
- To determine the excitation potential of Mercury/Argon by Frank-Hertz experiment.
8.To analyse elliptically polarized light by using a Babinet’s compensator.
- To measure the dielectric constant of a dielectric material with frequency.
10.(i) Thermometer- 6 pc (1/10).
(ii) IC-7400, IC-7486, IC-7476, IC-74107, IC-7410, IC-7432, IC-7404, IC-7408.
(iii) Hg-500 gram
(iv) Slide callipers- 2 pc
(v) Screw Guage – 2 pc
(vi) Two sides connecting wire.
(vii) One side connecting wire.
(viii) Copper wire connecting wire.
(ix) Battery for multimeter.
(x) Plastic wire
(xi) 8085- Microprocessor kit.