Netaji Mahavidyalaya of Arambagh, Hooghly is a renowned and prestigious Institution under The University of Burdwan, W.B and I feel extremely happy and proud to be a part of this educational Institution. I gratefully acknowledge the service of our honourable Principal Sir, dedicated teachers, office staff. I am thankful to our respected President Sir for his remarkable contribution to build up to this prestigious Institution. I acknowledge the contribution and dedication of our students towards our Institution. I believe that every human being enriched with talents and skills is a gift of God. I am fortunate enough to bring to your notice that our college is one of the State aided colleges which provides value based quality education to every student.

I pray to Almighty God for success of each student and may the blessing of the Almighty God be with you all for a bright and glorious carrier.

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Bhasa Divas
The College Shows tribute to the Amar Bhasa Divas and various other state/ national/ international celebrations to inculcate the right feeling
ID Utsav
The College always spreads the message of communal harmony and integrity in todays world
AIDS Rally
The College largely emphasizes on Society Orientation as a part of its curriculum. The NSS unit has conducted an AIDS rally to make the community aware